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Welcoming Spring into my Home

Writer: Patricia Patricia

“The beautiful Spring came; and when nature resumes it’s loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.”

After a lengthy pause from my blog as well as all social media, I thought I would share some pictures for a bit of Spring inspiration. The longer days and warm sunshine have fueled my creativity once again. I was excited to take these pictures of my sun-filled living room where I enjoy spending quiet time reading, reflecting, and often times decorating and moving everything around. I just can’t help myself. It’s who I am...

I don't plan on returning to social media any time soon. It seems like the longer I am away, the less I want to go back. I do, however, miss the community and interaction with so many wonderful creatives, therefore I leave myself open to the possibility. Time will tell. For now, I will use this space whenever I have the urge to share inspiration of any kind. Enjoy!


4 commentaires

Siu Kuen Marti
Siu Kuen Marti
10 avr. 2021

Hello great decoration as usual.

Its been a while I try to look for you as you IG page is not longer exist ;(

Hope you're doing great

Heidi 😘

10 avr. 2021
En réponse à

Hi, I’m glad you found me! I deactivated my Instagram because I was no longer enjoying it. I needed a break. It’s good to hear from you. Keep in touch. You can also use the email from this blog if you wish. Hope all is well!


Lia Campbell
Lia Campbell
22 mars 2021

I was wondering where you disappeared! Glad to see you are well though and doing what you love doing!

I had a smile on my face when I read about your "need" to constantly move things around! I am always doing this and my husband jokes that every couple of months he feels like he moves to a different house! I call this: refreshing the house!

We are currently going through building works: creating a bigger en-suite for the master bedroom and an extra office in the house - Covid showed us we needed one - as well as a garden cabin at the back of the garden. This one I intend it to be my hide-away quiet spot. I…

23 mars 2021
En réponse à

It’s so nice to hear from you, Lia! I’m glad you are well and keeping busy. I’d love to see your hide-away spot when it is finished! Send me some pictures:)

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